
Tonics, Women s health
Alcohol-free liquid
Food supplement containing herbal extracts and fortified with minerals and vitamins, especially useful during pregnancy, or in case of increased nutritional needs. In particular, iron promotes haemoglobin synthesis, oxygen transport in body tissues and, combined with vitamin B6 and B12, it improves the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin C improves iron absorption, copper promotes its transport into the body whereas vitamins A and B2 regulate its metabolism. Moreover, folic acid contributes maternal tissue development during pregnancy and supports haematopoiesis, i.e. the synthesis of all blood cells.
Tonics, Women s health
Food supplement containing herbal extracts and fortified with minerals and vitamins, especially useful during pregnancy, or in case of increased nutritional needs. In particular, iron promotes haemoglobin synthesis, oxygen transport in body tissues and, combined with vitamin B6 and B12, it improves the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin C improves iron absorption, copper promotes its transport into the body whereas vitamins A and B2 regulate its metabolism. Moreover, folic acid contributes maternal tissue development during pregnancy and supports haematopoiesis, i.e. the synthesis of all blood cells.
Alcohol-free liquid
Food supplement containing oats, chlorophyll, minerals and vitamins. In particular, iron contributes to the transport of oxygen to the body and, combined with Vitamin B6 and B12, it supports normal formation of red blood cells. With the addition of vitamin C, which enhances iron absorption, and vitamin B2, which promotes its metabolism; these, along with manganese, selenium, zinc, and vitamin E, help protect cells from oxidative stress.
Tonics, Women s health
Alcohol-free liquid
Integratore alimentare a base di erbe, sali minerali e vitamine; particolarmente utile durante la gravidanza o in caso di accresciuto fabbisogno nutrizionale. In particolare, il ferro favorisce la sintesi dell’emoglobina, il trasporto dell’ossigeno nei tessuti dell’organismo e, insieme alle vitamine B6 e B12, promuove la formazione dei globuli rossi. La vitamina C accresce l’assorbimento del ferro, il rame ne promuove il trasporto nell’organismo mentre le vitamine A e B2 ne regolano il metabolismo. Inoltre, l’acido folico contribuisce alla crescita dei tessuti materni in gravidanza e coadiuva l’emopoiesi, cioè la sintesi di tutte le cellule del sangue.