Respiratory system health

Respiratory system health
Alcohol-free liquid
Gumplant, otherwise known as Great Valley Gumweed, has a balsamic effect that benefits the upper respiratory tract function. In addition, it performs an emollient and soothing action on the oropharyngeal mucosa, helpful in supporting vocal tone.
Respiratory system health
Alcohol-free liquid
Licorice and thyme support your nose and throat health and, combined with elecampane, primrose, chestnut, beech and horehound, can maintain normal fluidity of bronchial secretions. Furthermore, grindelia or gumplant, has a balm-like effect that benefits the function of the respiratory tract.
Respiratory system health
Marsh mallow improves normal functioning of the mucous membranes lining the respiratory system and helps keep a healthy throat. Beech increases the fluidity of bronchial secretions and vitamin C, present in high content, contributes to a properly functioning immune system.
Respiratory system health
Eucalyptus, mint, white fir, camphor, cedar of Lebanon, cloves and myrtle are known for their balsamic properties. Specifically, mint and cloves, combined with thyme, help support healthy nose and throat. Niaouli, cajeput and tea tree promote the respiratory tract function whereas beech stimulates the fluidity of bronchial secretions.
Gut health, Respiratory system health
MARSHMALLOW whole xtract
Alcohol-free liquid
Althea or Marshmallow has an emollient and soothing effect on the digestive system and the urinary tract, supports regularity of bowel movements, maintains normal function of the mucous membranes lining the respiratory system and helps maintain the health of nose and throat.
Respiratory system health
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Garden Angelica improves the fluidity of bronchial secretions, promotes the drainage of body fluids, supports the digestive function and regulates gastrointestinal motility and gas excretion.
Respiratory system health
Alcohol-free liquid
Black horehound promotes the fluidity of bronchial secretions, supports digestive function, and contributes to relaxation and mental well-being.
Respiratory system health
BRONVIS with thousand blossom honey
Alcohol-free liquid
Licorice and thyme support your nose and throat health and, combined with elecampane, primrose, chestnut, beech and horehound, can maintain normal fluidity of bronchial secretions. Furthermore, grindelia or gumplant, has a balm-like effect that benefits the function of the respiratory tract.
Respiratory system health
CAJEPUT Natural Essential Oil
Cajeput promotes joint, digestive and upper respiratory tract function.
Respiratory system health
CEDAR OF LEBANON Natural essential oil
Cedar of Lebanon exerts a balsamic effect and promotes the fluidity of bronchial secretions.
Respiratory system health
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Balsamic effect useful for the fluidity of bronchial secretions.
Respiratory system health
Alcohol-free liquid
Gum plant (or grindelia) has a beneficial balsamic effect and, combined with hedge mustard, carries out an emollient and soothing action that helps you maintain healthy oropharyngeal mucous membranes and voice. Fennel, promoting the fluidity of the bronchial secretions, supports the beneficial action of gum plant and hedge mustard on the upper respiratory tract. Dog-rose, thanks to its high Vitamin C content, is useful in boosting and maintaining the body's immune system.
Respiratory system health
Cypress Quintessence
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Cypress helps maintain the fluidity of bronchial secretions and supports the digestive and hepatic function.
Respiratory system health
CONEFLOWER Titrated extract
Coneflower helps the body's natural defences and promotes the upper respiratory tract function. Furthermore, it supports the urinary tract function.
Respiratory system health, Voice health
CONEFLOWER Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
The three echinacea species help the body's natural defences and promote proper functioning of the upper respiratory tract. Furthermore, narrow-leaved echinacea and purple echinacea support normal functioning of the urinary tract whereas pale echinacea has a beneficial antioxidant effect.
Respiratory system health
ELECAMPANE Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Elecampane has a beneficial action on the respiratory tract while improving the fluidity of bronchial secretions. It also fosters digestion and improves digestive gas elimination.
Respiratory system health
EUCALYPTUS Natural essential oil
Eucalyptus has a balsamic and beneficial effect on the vocal cords as well as an emollient and soothing action on the oropharyngeal mucosa.
Respiratory system health
EUCALYPTUS Quintessence
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Eucalyptus boasts balsamic properties, has an emollient and soothing effect on oropharyngeal mucosa and maintains a healthy voice.