Gut health

Gut health
CASCARELLI with lactic cultures
Sacred bark promotes bowel regularity and, combined with licorice, can support digestive function. Lactic acid bacteria (probiotics) can help improve the balance of intestinal flora.
Gut health
CINNAMON Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Cinnamon promotes digestive function, improves regular bowel movements and gas relief. It also supports carbohydrate metabolism and has a beneficial antioxidant effect.
Gut health
Agar-agar is a soluble fibre that is not digested nor absorbed by the gut; it helps keep the intestine clean, supporting regular bowel movements and normalising the compactness and volume of faecal material. Probiotic lactic acid bacteria can be useful in maintaining healthy gut flora balance.
Gut health
Agar-agar is a soluble fibre that is not digested nor absorbed by the gut; it helps keep the intestine clean, supporting regular bowel movements and normalising the compactness and volume of faecal material. Probiotic lactic acid bacteria can be useful in maintaining healthy gut flora balance.
Gut health
Alder buckthorn, cascara or sacred bark and rhubarb support regularity of bowel movements. Gentian, cinnamon and cloves improve intestinal gas relief and, in combination with licorice, are useful for supporting digestive function.
Gut health
Alcohol-free liquid
Alder buckthorn and mallow support regular bowel movements. Mallow has an emollient and soothing effect on the digestive system and can normalise stool volume and consistency. Furthermore, fennel regulates gastrointestinal motility, promotes intestinal gas removal and, combined with alder buckthorn, supports digestive function.
Gut health
Catechu exerts an astringent effect and, combined with gall-nut, oak, common tormentil, agrimony, snakeweed, rhatany, fragrant sumac and blueberry fruits, is useful in regulating intestinal transit. In addition, catechu has an emollient and soothing effect on the digestive system and, thanks to its prebiotic properties, it can, in combination with probiotic lactic acid bacteria, help keep a healthy and balanced intestinal flora. Gall nut and oak help keep your mucous membranes healthy and properly nourished whereas agrimony, snakeweed and myrrh support the digestive system function.
Gut health
Agar-agar, alder buckthorn, marshmallow, cinnamon and cascara or sacred bark support normal bowel movements. Agar-agar can normalise the compactness and volume of faecal material, marshmallow and fenugreek perform an emollient and soothing action, which help maintain digestive system health. Ginger, dill, green anise, fennel and garden Angelica normalise gastrointestinal motility and gas relief; combined with alder buckthorn, fenugreek, cascara and cinnamon, they are also useful for maintaining normal digestive function.
Gut health
FENNEL Titrated extract
Fennel helps maintain normal digestion, regulates gastrointestinal motility and supports intestinal gas elimination. Furthermore, it supports the fluidity of bronchial secretions, fights off menstruation symptoms and helps drain body fluids.
Child health, Gut health
FENNEL Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Fennel helps maintain normal digestion, regulates gastrointestinal motility and supports intestinal gas elimination. Furthermore, it supports the fluidity of bronchial secretions, fights off menstruation symptoms and helps drain body fluids.
Gut health
Food supplement containing fibres and lactic lactic acid bacteria, which help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora. Psyllium, agar-agar and chicory promote bowel regularity, normalising stool volume and consistency. Psyllium, combined with agar-agar and guar, modulates the absorption of nutrients; combined with acacia, instead, it has an emollient and soothing action on the entire digestive system and facilitatescarbohydrate metabolism. Finally, guar gum promotes a sense of satiety.
Gut health
Herbal supplement fortified with vitamins and other nutrients. Sacred bark promotes regularity of bowel movements and, in association with fennel, supports the digestive function. Furthermore, fennel promotes regular gastrointestinal motility and gas relief.
Blood pressure, Gut health
Garlic supports normal cardiovascular function, maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. It also has an antioxidant activity and promotes triglyceride and cholesterol metabolism.
Gut health
Senna, chicory, alder buckthorn and rhubarb promote normal bowel movements. Cinnamon, cloves and gentian contribute to relieving intestinal gas and promote digestive function.
Gut health, Mouth/breath health
KARMAVIS Spearmint
Alcohol-based liquid spray
Sweet mint or spearmint has a beneficial balsamic activity which, in combination with summer savory, helps maintain healthy nose and throat. Moreover, both can support digestive function as well as regular gastrointestinal motility and gas excretion.
Gut health
Food supplement containing herbs and other nutrients. Licorice supports the digestive system function, Senna promotes normal bowel movements and lactic acid bacteria contribute to a correct gut microflora balance.
Gut health
LUPIN Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Lupin exerts beneficial, regulatory effects on carbohydrate metabolism.
Gut health, Respiratory system health
MALLOW Whole Extract
Alcohol-free liquid
Mallow has an emollient and soothing effect on the digestive and urinary system as well as on the oropharyngeal mucous membranes and the vocal cords. It helps maintain normal fluidity of bronchial secretions and supports regularity of bowel movements, normalising stool size and consistency.